Every Christian is called to service as a minister of the Gospel
There are many wonderful ways you and your family can serve God at Church of the Holy Spirit on Sunday mornings, in our local community and with our international partners.
Greeter - 2 hours per month - Individuals high school age or older; Families with children of any age - Help welcome visitors and get them connected at Holy Spirit
Usher - 2 hours per month - Individuals high school age or older; Families with children of any age - Distribute bulletins, take up offering, seat late guests etc.
Lay Reader / ACOLYTE - 2 hours per month - Mature high school students/adults (or 4th Grade+ at 9 AM) - Read lessons and assist with communion
Altar Guild - 2 hours per month - Families or adults of any age -Set up and clean up altar for communion
Audio Visual - 3 hours per month - Adults and teenagers - Running the sound board and slides for Sunday services
Music (Praise Team) - 5 hours per month - Mature high school students/adults by audition - Team of vocalists and instrumentalists
Connection - 3 hours every other month - Individual adults or Families - Assist with set up of tables and provide treats and drinks
Photography and Video - varies on availability - Mature high school students/adults - Help document events at Holy Spirit and create media for promotional use.
Service Setup - 1 hour every other week - Mature high school students/adults - Put out bulletins & materials for Sunday worship services
Serve Local
Blessings Box
During the pandemic one of our church members began a Blessings Box (a mini-food pantry) on the back porch of our Parish Hall. This provides easy access to food for those in need and anyone is welcome to contribute non-perishable canned goods to this box.
East Cooper Community Outreach
Throughout the year Holy Spirit collects food for a local food pantry that provides groceries to those caught in poverty. Through special collection Sundays at both campuses, and a permanent collection bin on the back porch we collect tons of food each year to help those in need.
Humanities Foundation: Seven Farms Apartments and Village
In 2016 Church of the Holy Spirit (Holy Cross Daniel Island) adopted a local low-income housing complex on Daniel Island and has gradually been serving our neighbors in this community more and more. Through food distribution every three weeks, our Back to School shoe drive to provide kids with brand new sneakers for school, regular cookouts, small group bible studies, driving residents to appointments, Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter meals, and more, we are seeking to love our neighbors well. Contact Carl Wist for more information: carl@wist.us.
Christmas Turkey Fry
Each year on Christmas Eve morning, a group gathers to fry turkeys for our neighbors. It is an incredible time of fun. Why? To be the hands and feet of Jesus this Christmas by providing some of those less fortunate than us with a fried turkey for Christmas dinner, with love from Holy Spirit Church. Who can help? Everyone! Got family in town? Bring them along to introduce them to your Holy Spirit church family and have some great fellowship time as you kick off a joyful Christmas celebration in style! Every person needs to sign-up to volunteer…once you sign-up a a volunteer coordinator will contact you. Who are we serving? Each year we support a local ministry to provide each family with a fully fried turkey that’s wrapped and ready for Christmas dinner!
Serve International
Most summers, Holy Spirit sends members of our parish out on mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of these through LAMB Institute in Honduras. Not everyone is called to go, but we are all called to participate in the caring of those less fortunate than ourselves.
James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
The ministry of LAMB is broad, addressing some of the greatest needs Hondurans face. On our journey, we will seek to serve God's beloved children, parents, widows, and communities suffering from the day-to-day difficulties that define a life of extreme poverty and oppression.
To learn more about LAMB, go to lambinstitute.org.
Every other year a small team from Holy Spirit visits our mission partners in Pakistan who are planting churches and making disciples in a challenging culture. Holy Spirit has helped to build a school, develop local business training for women trapped in poverty, and will help build a church soon. To learn more about the US mission organization that we work with in taking these trips and supporting these projects, Cross Connecting Network, go to crossconnecting.net.
Contact Jonathan Bennett for more information: jonathan@holyspiritdi.org