A transformed campus for a transformed community
make his love known
“Jesus said…‘I have made you known…that the love you have for me may be in them.’” (John 17:26)
Mission: Expand and renovate our campus to accommodate growing ministry needs.
Goal: $4,000,000 by God’s grace.
A transformed campus for a transformed community
Expand the Parish Life Center (+5,000 sq. ft., new classrooms & offices). Enhance Contemporary Worship Space (add 80 seats).
Create a lobby concept with a larger kitchen.
Expand the Traditional Church (add restroom, stained glass).
Level and expand the courtyard for larger events.
In brief, this campaign will finance the expansion of the Church of the Holy Spirit campus through new buildings, renovation of current facilities, and increased office, classroom and storage space.
We long to see our community transformed by the love of Jesus, and have so many opportunities to do this, but after much prayer and discernment we have come to the realization that we need a transformed campus if we are going to see a transformed community. Our campus was built 20 years ago to be a satellite of a larger church and not an independent church in its own right (which is what we now are). Therefore, we now need more offices, more storage space, and larger meeting spaces. Also, due to the great reputation it has built, and the growing area we are in, we have a long wait list for our preschool of typically 50-60 children. We would love to be able to meet the needs of all these families and with this building campaign we will add enough classrooms to do this, as well as be able to offer a kindergarten class for the first time.
Through a 4 year pledge campaign. We are asking people in our church, our wider school community, and our even wider Daniel Island community to commit to fund this over the next 4 years, either through one time gifts, or monthly/annual giving. The newly expanded building will also be a source or income generation that will cover any additional costs that will be incurred as we expand.
Anyone can give. We are hoping church members, school families, music academy families, community members concerned about good education for children on Daniel Island.
Currently a team of lay people headed up by David Rogers is assisting our Rector, Jonathan Bennett, to do this work. Our Vestry, led by our Senior Warden, Chris Hamlin, has the final say on all matters financial though.
We will expand our Parish Life Center by an additional 6000 sq ft w/ extra classrooms and offices and storage
We will improve and expand our contemporary worship space to seat a further 80 people
Create an open lobby concept in our Parish Life Center with a bigger kitchen space able to cater larger events
We will improve and expand our Traditional Church to include a much needed restroom & seven stained glass windows that share the gospel story
Level & expand our current courtyard space for larger events
By God’s grace, we are looking to raise $4,000,000, with the vast majority of this going toward expanding the education wing of our Parish Life Center.
We plan to have pledges made by the end of March 2024. Then we will begin the permitting process, and hopefully break ground early in 2026. The goal is then to be open by early 2027.
Yes. We will make sure that the building expansion is carefully mapped out to ensure none of these things have to stop.
We will be talking about this throughout the year at various events and on Sunday mornings. Please contact our Rector, Jonathan Bennett, at jonathan@holyspiritdi.org to set up a meeting.
Thank you for asking! Please click go to HolySpiritDI.org/give to make a donation to our Building Fund.